Friday, August 15, 2014

I Scream, You Scream,We All Scream For Ice Cream!

Ice cream week was one of the most stressful weeks that we have had so far. Stress came from the time table that we had and of course the fact that we were new at not only making ice cream cakes, but ice cream in general. In the kitchen each person needs to always work fast, yet efficient. Well, this definitely applied to ice cream week. We had to work very fast and communicate with the rest of the class or else the ice cream would melt.

                                                                                     Pineapple                     Surprise

  A hallowed out pineapple filled with candied pineapple, raspberry coulis, and pineapple sorbet.


                   Ice Cream

 This is actually a sorbet cake! There are layers of mango and raspberry sorbet in between to meringue bases and topped with whipped cream!

                       Ice Cream Cake

Chocolate and caramel ice cream in between to hazelnut meringue. The hazelnut meringue was very interesting. Since it had hazelnut TPT(nut flour and powdered sugar) and hazelnut powder it had a cake like feel to it.


Raspberry and
         Vanilla Parfait

This had a Raspberry coulis topped with a vanilla semifredo, plus chocolate ice cream and a sable dough cookie on the bottom.

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