Sunday, July 12, 2015

The Halfway Point

This week we got to to move on to different types of bread with poolishes, levains, and sponges. We started this last week, but it was more french bread and country bread.

Beer Bread
This bread is one of my favorites! The dough itself does not have beer in it, although it could. However, there is a beer mixture on top and dusted with a lot of rye flour. As the dough proofs and the rye flour is absorbed into the beer mixture, it makes that design on top! No scoring needed!

Country Bread
This bread is shaped into Baguette Pointue(Pointy Baguette). I am getting much better at shaping these! 

French Bread
 Pavé au Levain

Rye Bread

Pain de Lodeve
 Cheese Bread
My favorite bread so far! This bread has Asiago and Parmesan cheese! 
 Rustic Bread


Pointage Bac


I cannot believe that the Bread Program is halfway over. I am excited to be home, but sad that I will be leaving FPS. I have learned so much and I owe everything to the chefs that have taught we what I know. One in particular, Chef Jonathan; he has helped me with so much over the past year!

Beautiful buffet made by Chef Jonathan of all the bread we have made over the past three weeks!

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