Saturday, July 25, 2015

Breakfast Pastries Week One

 Brioche Braid
 Gallete de Rois (Kings Cake)
With the scrapes from the Gallet des Rois, we made a rustic apple tart with pastry cream, caramelized apples, and streusel!
If you don't remember this from my post during the pastry program, the Kougelhopf is very common during Christmas time in Alsace, France. Children make give this to their grandparents for Christmas!

Laminated Brioche
This is almost like a cinnamon bun. 
Lemon Pound Cake
Chocolate Pound Cake
Chocolate Croissants
We were taught a new technique on shaping them. Normally they do not have the design on top like that. They are usually more smooth. I actually like this this design. It is something different
This is one of the Twelve Desserts of Christmas in France. It has anise and candied orange in it. When it comes out of the oven it is then brushed with melted butter and topped with sugar.

A brioche like bun that is flavored with orange.
Brioche Choco
(Chocolate brioche)
The poolish actually has Cremant in it instead of water. Cremant is a sparkling wine from Alsace. 

The layers from bottom to top:
Orange Streusel with Limoncello
Chocolate Pastry Cream

Biocolor Croissant
The brown is made with chocolate croissant dough, but you could do any color that you wanted to.

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